At Rostrevor Presbyterian we are committed to moving forward, desiring more of God and a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus, desiring to share the Gospel of salvation with one another, with the community and further afield.
There is something for everyone and we hope you will come along and share with us as we journey together as a people of God.
Sunday Night Social
From time to time we get together in the church hall for a time of relaxed fellowship. Everyone is invited to a number of different events, maybe we have a ‘Desert Island Discs ‘ night or discuss a recent movie. Either way there will be good food and a warm welcome, keep an eye on our announcements for the next time!
Good News Club
Alongside Warrenpoint Presbyterian Church we run an exciting and fun club for primary school children. There’s songs, games, Bible lessons and crafts. We meet for six weeks leading up to Holy Week in Warrenpoint and six week leading up to Advent in Rostrevor 6:45-7:45pm. Check our announcements for details!
Sunday School & Crèche
We have great facilities in our church hall for children. Children of all ages are welcome at our services, halfway through they are invited to spend time in our Sunday School room, where they learn together about God. The Sunday School also gets involved in fundraising and special services.
PW – Presbyterian Woman’
In Rostrevor we have a small, yet vibrant PW group, sharing in fellowship and fundraising together. New members are always welcome to this important part of church life.
Midweek Bible Study
On a Wednesday night at 7:30pm we gather together around God’s Word. We share with Warrenpoint, rotating on a monthly basis. For the 2015-2016 season we are exploring together Paul’s ‘Letter to the Romans’ and everyone is encouraged to come along. We spend an hour or so walking through Scripture and then have a chat over a cuppa. If you can’t make it every week you are welcome when you can. Check the announcements for dates and locations.
The Water Club
In Rostrevor we have a heart for the wider world, while small in number we are amazed at what can happen when people come together. Simply by collecting spare change and encouraging others to do the same, our Clerk of Session, Terry has been able to help with well building and water based projects in the developing world. Please ask if you would like any info about future projects.
Open Church
Throughout the year we open up our Meeting House on a Saturday to allow members of the community to come in for a quiet space, maybe to sit and pray or just take some time to be still. There’s tea and chat available too and everyone is welcome! Check our announcements for dates and times.